The Education

About the brand The ‘Tools’ needed to empower and develop the expertise required focus around STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics). But it does not stop there. To ensure the potential workforce has the maximum opportunity requires the Education institution has the required curriculum, trained teachers and lecturers, equipped labs and more, to implement […]
Then to Inspire

The next step is to expose the children and parents to the wonders of space, the role it plays in their life and the opportunities open to them becoming part of the growing Global Space Sector. To this end O2K has proposed the ‘UAE Space Camp and Discovery Center’, initially a combined initiative of Compass […]
It Starts at Kindergarten

The Space Sector workforce starts at Kindergarten. Children’s awareness of Space together with their parents understanding of the opportunities created for their children in the Space Sector is critical for the sustainable development of an effective Space Sector workforce. O2K Limited has identified two initiatives to support the awareness of this target audience. The Proposed […]